"Just In Time..." Digital and Social Media PROGRAMS

digital spending is expected to close within a percentage point of tv spending...

while mobile will account for a large majority of those ad dollars

The Consumer Conversation:  "The experience void between brands and their customers..."

88% of respondents agree that custom personalization is imperative to their company's success...

Source: Econsultancy

With the right personalization solutions, you can design and create marketing programs that create lasting engagement. You can also increase sales and revenue, improve online conversion, and boost average order value.               

"J.I.T. Social" - the next level in customer engagement,  adding personalization to your content marketing

It’s simple: real-time personalization gets results...
We can create a personailized social media targeting process, with stellar promotional materials and a monthly schedule tailored to your businesss, that will blow your current post out of the water. Looking to draw in new fans with enticing promotions and ad campaigns? With DGA’s tried and true approach, you’ll see your fan base grow quicker than ever. And once we’ve pulled in your new fans and grown your database, your monthly content plan will keep them engaged adding to your business...

“From concept to completion, from nuts to bolts...” We envision, create, facilitate, manage, implement and maintain all your social media efforts - that is where we excel.

J.I.T. Social Media Products
J.I.T. SOCIAL POSTING 1  /  month

Our award winning writers will develop, create, craft and upload your post to your social media sites...  Once a month.

J.I.T. SOCIAL POSTING 2  /  month

Double down with your company's message, current promotions or offers to gain additional exposure... Twice a month.

J.I.T. SOCIAL POSTINGt 3  /  month

Goldilocks,  "Not to little - Not to much..." Delivering several on point messages for your company... Three time a month.

J.I.T. SOCIAL POSTING 4  /  month

Stay in front of your company's audiance with frequency and recognition to deliver maximum results... Four times a month.

We’ll develop "J.I.T." social media campaigns custom tailored to your business.
With one of our monthly content plans providing different options based on frequency to choose from, with DGA’s tried and true promotions, you’ll see your viewership numbers grow quicker than ever before. We’ll develop a social media campaign tailored to you, with enticing marketing materials suited to your business. And once we’ve pulled in your new clients and / or customers and grown your database, the monthly content plan will continue to keep them engaged.

Social Media - "THE BIG THREE"


An online social networking service that allows its users to connect with friends and family as well as make new connections. It provides its users with the ability to create a profile, update information, add images, send friend requests, and accept requests from other users.


A professional networking site allowing its members to create business connections, search for jobs, and find potential clients. The site also enables its users to build and engage with their professional networks; access shared knowledge and insights; and find business opportunities.

Twitter  |  INSTANT

A global real-time social communications and networking platform that allows its users to send and receive 140-character messages known as “tweets”, enabling its users to read and post their tweets through the web, short message service (SMS), and mobile applications.

DGA  |   the right solutions

For more information on developing these or any other of our award winning services, please contact us directly to find out just how we can design your company's brand that is best suited to your needs.